Tuesday, April 24, 2007

the sign in my kitchen at work

This sign was just too funny not to share. The picture is funny enough, a sort of Bolshevik-Uncle Sam thing, and the German translates roughly to "You also keep the kitchen clean, Comrade". (Genosse translates to Comrade, and apparently in west German slang "Genossen" is still used to refer to east Germans.)But what's much funnier about this poster is the small text in green unerneath the picture, which you're unable to read in my terrible photo. This is actually in English, and says: "Do not be afraid to brake jags in your crown when you work with the dishwasher." I've asked around, and it seems that this is a very poor translation of a German idiom. "Brake" should be "break" of course, and the "jags" are the points on a crown. Figuratively it means that you shouldn't consider yourself above the quotidian task of emptying the dishwasher if you're going to put things in it. But I can't help but feel with the wording that "the dishwasher" refers to a frightful person with whom you work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?