Monday, September 17, 2007

Wanna hear us speak German?

Back in August Jeremi and I took part in a podcasting workshop run by the person who organizes our German Stammtisch on Tuesday nights. It was for people learning German, as an interesting multimedia way of practising language. Some of the episodes that we made (seven altogether) are already available at the site, but the host only offers 30 Mb free storage per month, so the rest will have to wait. But you guys get a sneak preview!

Each of us worked on at least two episodes, and one of them Jeremi and I did together. Even if you don't understand a word that we're saying, the sound effects might make it worth your while, including Jeremi's tarzan yell. And, as an added bonus, you can watch the cat sleep while listening. Although we could have loaded the audio up to another hosting site and just linked to it, this way we get to try out Blogger's new video hosting service. The lighting's not great, but you can still see her. Stay tuned for an exciting leg movement at around 5:00. (The total length of the audio file is 7:12.)

Also, just a note about the name of the website, which seems a bit awkward. dfuera is short for Deutschland für Anfänger, or Germany for beginners. All the vowels with umlauts can be written with an "e" after them for things like email addresses or urls.


Brandy said...

Hi Guys - very fun to hear you speaking German ; ) Glad the cat enjoyed story time!

Anonymous said...

Guten Tag! Das war sehr gut!

Deine Mutter hat viel Spass gehabt Euch zu hoeren!

Joy, Joanne and Brenda had their asses in the air while they tried to listen to your dialogues (at work, none the less!). Quite the Kodak moment!

Anonymous said...

OK...the reason our asses were in the air was that none of our work computers has speakers that had enough volume to hear the dialogue. SO...the 3 of us had to kneel down and put our ears near the speaker at the rear of the computer. I didn't know we had caused a crowd to gather...we were having Joanne translate the facinating furniture buying dialogue and we were laughing like crazy women. Anyways, it WAS a Kodak moment. Thanks for posting it.