Thursday, September 18, 2008

Calin and Susanne arrive in Nova Scotia

Calin and Susanne arrived on Thursday a week before the wedding. We left NB that day to go to Halifax and to eventually pick them up when they arrived at the airport. On Friday we took them out to see the sights in Halifax. First stop, Dalhousie University. Following Julia's old walk to work/class we got to the campus and showed them around.

Then we went down Spring Garden rd. to the Public Gardens and saw the Harbour Hopper amphibius tour bus on the way.

We walked through the gardens and then had a pint and some food on the Rogue Roost's patio.

Then we walked down to the waterfront and went on the Keith's Brewery Tour. Julia and I had already been on the tour several times, but it's always fun and a must for tourists. Here's Julia checking liquid for clarity during the brewing process.

Here we are at the Stag Head's Pub. This is where the tour ends and you get a couple glasses of Keith's.

Then we followed the harbour going south. We couldn't follow the harbour the whole way but eventually we got to Point Pleasant Park. But on the way there we walked through a movie set. Watch for Seawolf coming to a theater near you, or probably something that had Seawolf as a working title.

Once at Point Pleasant, we walk around some more and went down to the beach to check out the Cormorants and play in the "No Children" zone.

Julia and Susanne are being Cormorants (who sit like this in the sun to dry the feathers on their wings).
We took the bus back into town after all that walking and went to the Economy Shoe Shop to meet up with more friends and eat something after all that walking. After that it was off to the the Granite Brewery or the Henry House as some call it now, which is yet another wonderful Haligonian brew pub. Here's Calin with the sampler. Doesn't he look happy?
We also briefly stopped at Bearly's Blues House for possibly another beer. The next day we went to the market before I had to leave for NB for my 10 year high school reunion and Calin Susanne and Julia make their way to Pomquet and Cape Breton. We always loved to go to the market when we lived in Halifax cause there's lots of fresh everything and interesting meats like boar and ostrich and other fun stuff to do. It's also a good place to roam around when you're hungover Saturday morning, which was often the case. Here's Sussane in front of the Dutch Gouda salesman.

This sign has aparently been there forever and I only noticed it now.

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