Sunday, November 16, 2008

10 year high school reunion

The weekend Julia went to Cape Breton with Calin and Susanne was my 10-year high school reunion. We rented out the community center in LA (Little Aldouane) and did it up like we were 18 again. By that I mean we hung out outside drinking the beer we had brought until midnight even though we are all now legally allowed to by it inside.
Here are Cindy, Richard and I doing... something.

I saw a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while, caught up or made pleasant conversation, danced and sang, and had lots of fun.
My cousin's band was actually playing and I didn't know until I met him in the bathroom when I first went in. I seem to have acquired a tambourine in this picture. I remember it got passed around a lot.

Here's me and Crystal.

Hope to see them all in another 10.

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