Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The T.

From Montréal we headed further west, ending up in Toronto. We were staying with our friend Selom who lives a bit north of the city. After stopping by his place when we arrived, we took transit down to Bloor and Yonge, and walked down Yonge St. to Union Station and the CN Tower.
Naturally, we wanted to bring them up the tower for a view over the city.
The line was pretty long, but we amused ourselves while waiting.
At the top we had a decent view over the city from the outdoor viewing area - it wasn't too overcast yet.
And of course we made ourselves squirm with the glass floor...
Susanne demonstrating both her bravery and the cuteness of her new hat that she picked up at the Eaton Centre on the way.
Jeremi and Calin are here trying to look tough with the souvenir Canada hats they picked up to bring home. (Okay, so Calin is trying to look tough at least. Jeremi is not doing so well.) These hats also provided some protection from the rain that started as we wandered around in search of Mountain Equipment Coop to buy some affordable outdoor clothes. I guess I hadn't been to the Toronto branch in a decade or so, as I was convinced that it was still just east of there on Front Street, near C'est What. This is what happens when you move every three years - you sort of know your way around a lot of places, but nothing is ever quite as you remembered it.
After our shopping spree at MEC (which we finally found) we found a bar on King St. W. where we could get pitchers, nachos, and wings while waiting for Selom to come down and meet us. (Notice my nice new jacket/sweater from MEC.)
Wings and nachos aren't common bar food here - in fact most cafés don't really serve much in the way of greasy snacks at all, which is probably healthier, but nowhere near so delicious. We managed to enjoy quite a few pitchers and salty, fatty food before Selom made it there.
And here he is, our charming host, looking smart in Susanne's new hat. He did his best to catch up to us before the five of us headed to the movie theatre to see The Dark Knight, which we all greatly enjoyed. (Well, at least the parts that Calin didn't sleep through. Perhaps we shouldn't have had that last pitcher or two.)
Then we all went back to Selom's place for the night, having a good sleep before setting off the next morning for a greasy breakfast at The Pickle Barrel and a trip to Niagara Falls, where we'd leave Calin and Susanne so they could begin the US portion of their vacation. But more on that in the next post...

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