Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Béla's photo shoot

While we were still at the hospital in Jena, a photographer came through to take pictures of the babies. The photo session is free, and from this you get one picture of the baby, and one picture is posted on the hospital's website if you like. (Béla's can be seen here.) A few days later you can meet with the photographer to decide if you like the pictures, and you can buy whatever you like. We went for the appointment while my parents were here, and they bought us a package that included a CD with all the pictures on it. As such, you get to see the results of Béla's first professional photo shoot.

Jer's in a few of the pictures as well, sometimes just his hands, but I'm not at all. This was only two days after my caesarean, and while I was up and sitting in a chair when the photographer came, I think she didn't want to ask me to move around too much. I was still looking pretty rough at that point, I think. (I should also mention that the only pain medication I was receiving post-op was Tylenol - the regular kind, no codeine - and I was only allowed to have two every six hours, and, after the second day, only if I remembered to ask for them. When I heard that standard post-op pain medication in Canada included a morphine pump for the first 24 hours followed by painkillers like Tylenol 3s or Percosets afterward, it made me want to get on a plane.)

But enough about the horrible birth and its aftermath, here are the pictures of Béla!

Look at how long his fingers are!


Brandy said...

Aww guys,these are too cute!!!

Brandy said...

PS Love the hospital photo shoot idea! Some of the photos of the other babies are cute and totally hilarious too! Birth is tough on babies as evidenced by some of the oddly shaped heads in those galleries ; ) And who snuck that photo of the little old man in the September gallery? I don't believe Max Burkard is only several days old! Too cute!