I was lucky enough to be in the maritimes during Rishad's birthday, although it was for sad reasons (see next post). After a long day of getting drunk and being led around blindfolded to do stupid things on St. Paddy's (yes, Rishad's B-Day is on the same day), he was brought to Neil's place for the eventual party. Shortly after, Rishad was blindfolded again for my arival. That's right, he had to guess who I was since he didn't know that I was coming or that even that I was around. Of course as soon as he grabbed hold of my beard firmly with both hands he guessed it was me.
We played a lot of Wii and drank a lot of beer. The next day I had wiicked wiinjuries ( I was very stiff from playing on the Wii). For those of you that don't know what the Wii is, it is the latest gaming console by Nintendo. It uses very interactive controllers that you have to physically move to play games. It's tiring but lot's of fun and with games like boxing and racing. There was also crazy dancing and some awe inspiring Kareoke. Unfortunately I didn't have the mic enabled on the camera so there isn't any sound.
I also brought Marlene and James. They had lots of fun
Here is Holly playing darts on the Wii.
And here is most of the guys that were there with Rishad doing god knows what. Front row - Ian, Rishad and Neil wearing the stylish green shower curtain toga; back row - me and Nick.
Finally here are Rishad and Collin blowing out the candels on their birthday cake. Plus I wanted to embed cause I've never done it before.
Hey! Nice post. Julia, if you do a close up of the picture of Jer, Rishad and myself, our eyes are red and our mouths are half open as though we'd just been transformed into zombies. Maybe we had become evil versions of ourselves à la "Evil Charity" of yore. Anyhow it don't look normal!
Marie :)
I can't believe that dancing video is on the internet! HAHAHA. I hope none of my students see it! Even though I only had 4 beer the entire time we were there, I think I'd like to tell everyone that I was hammered. I was SO hammered. That's my excuse.
It was nice to see you Jer!
~ christie
I've got more (with volume) if somebody knows what to do with 'em
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