The Cat did great on the way over. She probably didn't like it but she didn't lose her voice meowing like she did from Halifax to Victoria. Now she is right at home here...
and loves the chair that Julia dragged home, but misses Iams (her ex-food).
Lovely rapeseed (Canola, but not Canola cause that's a specifically Canadian engineered rapeseed plant) fields lined the Autobahn where Julia drove as fast as she has ever driven in her life. She was also quickly passed by motorists going much faster (probably 210-220 km/h).
So now I'm home again. Hooray!!
Thanks for that picture of Aeris. It brightened my day :) Tell her I can't wait to annoy her with my love in a few weeks!
Only in Germany do school teachers drive mercedes' - oder?
I also really love the picture of THE CAT - what a kissable belly she has :o) I can't wait to meet her. Will she join us at the house warming party or does she have other plans?
How I miss seeing fields and fields of rapeseed... Ru and I and the baby are going to have to sell something so that we have enough money to come and visit.
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