This box is just the right size for her, and happens to be located in a nice spot next to the bed which gets morning sun, i.e. perfect for the cat. On this particular morning I was getting ready and came over to say hello to her and she started purring and rolling around in the box - and around and around. She'd already made one 360 by the time I got the camera out, and she kept ecstatically rolling around and making happy cat noises. It reminded me of chinchillas that my mom's friend used to have, and how they'd flip themselves around in a jar full of ashes to clean themselves. If you've ever kept chinchillas perhaps you'll know what I'm talking about.
I took far too many pictures, and when scanned through quickly they're like a little cartoon flip-book animation of a cat going in circles. Here is but a subsample, in chronological order, but it gives the idea.
And now for the poll! We don't often actively ask for comments, but this is an exception. As many of you know, I'm working like a crazy woman at the moment, sewing clothes for the whole wedding party. Should I blog about my progress, or is it better to keep it a surprise? Majority opinion will decide.
I dunno :P
I say blog your progress, but only because I am incredibly nosy and don't think I can wait that long to find out!
For those who won't make it to the wedding, the progress might be nice...
I agree with the above anonymous comment (who are you?) to some extent. However we can do a progress of the sewing post after the fact so to keep the surprise for the day of. I cast my vote for keeping it a surprise, except from me. I think I should get to see the progress since I have a vested interest in insuring that you are done in time. And besides, you've already seen what I am going to wear.
Love you
P.S. Can I also vote for the Cat.
But the cat already decided to abstain from the voting, as she gets to see everything first hand. (She also gets to "help" me when I'm cutting stuff out by rolling all over the nice crinkly paper and fabric on the floor.)
The idea about blogging about the sewing after the fact is a good one, but you know that we'll never get around to it, especially with the backlog of wedding, stag/ette parties, travelling through Canada, and eventually honeymoon pics that we'll have to blog about once we're back. Besides, you know that if I'm not going to blog about it I never take pictures.
I am anonymous. I am Marmy!!! Seriously, as someone who is going to see the finished product (and wear a finished product), I'm excited to see them either way... however, I think since you're working so hard, we should at least be able to cheer you on in spirit (though you could be secretive about the look of the finished product).
I love that cat. I'm sad she won't have her own wedding outfit :(
let's see, i think at this point you are up to 827 million things to sew, so why the heck not throw something else on the pile by forcing yourself to photograph and blog about it!
As the mom of the 2 cutest flower girls ever.. lol... I would really love to see progress so 4 votes from us since both the girls are waiting impatiently to see there princess dresses. We have tried to explain that you are making them, but since the art of sewing was lost with my paternal grandmother, my girls have no idea what I'm talking about, I guess we could count that for a 5th vote since it would be very educational for Taryn who often sits with me while I'm reading your blog. Also if it's either blog now or never I think we all know the opinion of the loyal blog readers !!! Blog Now !!!
Can't wait to have you here with us.
Cryss, Joey, Taryn and Olivia
Dad and mom in Newmarket vote for keeping it a surprise.
Let us know WHEN they are done but NOT what they look like.
You write very well.
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