What we do have pictures of though, is him in some of his cute little three-month outfits, which fit now, like these little pants with a duck face on the bum.
And here we are, out at the Mexican restaurant. (Okay, to be fair, Jer's not actually in the picture, but you can see my forearms in the lower right hand corner, and Béla was in the carrier at this point anyhow...) And so Béla experienced his first "happy hour" at the Mexican restaurant in Jena, where Margaritas go on sale half price (for 1,90) from 9:00 until midnight. Yes, I know, they're kind of missing the point of "happy hour", but I'm not complaining. Age appropriate? Perhaps not, but we all enjoyed ourselves. Both Jer and I were feeling a bit rough by the end of the evening though, as a result of getting the swine flu vaccine that morning. The side effects in our case were mostly just sore arms, and feeling a bit crappy that night. The next day, only the sore arm was left, and by the day after, there was nothing. In Germany a lot of people are very anti-vaccination, and there's a lot of media coverage about how the government signed contracts with the companies back in the summer for a set amount, when the demand seems to be (so far) much lower, and there's concern that it's just a huge risk-free pure-profit situation for the drug companies. Also, while one brand is being used for the general population (Pandemrix, from Glaxo-Smith-Kline, the same as is being used in Canada), the military, and senior government and civil service officials received vaccinations from another brand, which contains live vaccine rather than dead and broken up pieces of the virus. In any case, there's general speculation that the government got the "good" vaccine, while everyone else only has access to the other. At this point, there's also no non-adjuvanted vaccine here, and won't be before December, so pregnant women and small children aren't being vaccinated at all. The distribution is also quite different - rather than having centralized clinics, you just go to your doctor's office.
On Thursday I went out for lunch with a friend who has a daughter two months older, and on Friday I went for a big afternoon hike with a woman I met at my prenatal class, who has a daughter 9 days older than Béla. And Saturday we went on a big advenyure, but I'm saving that for another post.
And finally, because I feel the pictures from this week don't do him justice, here's one last one that is pure cuteness, with him wrapped up in the quilt Mrs. Gariepy made him, on his activity mat. (I'm trying to keep it his activity mat, but Aeris just loves it. She's even managed to make the ladybug squeak, which has so far eluded Béla.)
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