Yesterday Béla when in for his 6th official check-up. His cholesterol isn't too high and his heart is in good shape, so no statins yet. He impressed the doctor with his walking and she said that he was as advanced as a 1 year old. His stats as of July 12th:
Weight: 11.02 kg (24.2 lbs)
Height: 78 cm (30.7 inches)
Here he is healthily waving around a cardboard tube.
The day before he also went to the dentist for the first time. This time they were impressed with how many teeth he already had, which is 7 now. We went to a kids dentist and they had a ball pen, slide, aquarium and other random toys in the waiting room. I put him in the ball pen but he didn't seem to be that interested.
In other news, it was too hot to live here for a while, which is also why he's not wearing any clothes in a lot of these pictures. Here is is having a sweaty nap on the couch:
The other big news over the past couple of weeks was our anniversary! Not the anniversary itself, which is really just another day, but the fact that Béla was babysat for only the second time, and we were able to go out together, just the two of us, for the second time since he was born. (The first time was while we were visiting Canada in April.) But I'm getting ahead of myself. Before the babysitting and the evening out, we first had a lovely riverside picnic to celebrate our anniversary, complete with bottle of fancy champagne thanks to Paul and Betty Ann. Here Jeremi's popping the cork, while trying not to blind himself:
Jeremi was very clever, and brought along two blankets, which meant that there was more room for Béla to run around, and he actually stayed on the blankets playing for the first hour at least, meaning that we could have a relaxing picnic without having to continually chase him as he ran for the river. He did eventually venture off the blankets, at which point he started collecting beer caps. How lovely. And he did make it down to the water's edge, but then I was right there with him, and we dipped our feet in the Saale. But while we ate leisurely, he was content to play with his stacking cups while staying right on the blanket.
And then he impressed the pants off me by trying to put the cork back into the bottle. It was impossible, of course, especially with the giant corks in champagne bottles, but I was really impressed that he even knew that the cork belonged to the bottle, so long after Jeremi had taken it out. (It had been long enough that the bottle was empty already, and we weren't drinking quickly.)
Now on to the babysitting! Our friend Grit is visiting from Ithaca for the summer, staying with her parents (she's from Jena), and she and her mom babysat Béla from 4:00 until 9:00 pm the Saturday before our anniversary, and it went really well! We felt a little mean because he fell asleep in the stroller on the way to their house, so we were sort of sneaking off while he was asleep, but apparently he woke up just as we were leaving the garden (which we didn't notice), and saw us walking away, and didn't really mind. Besides, they have a parrot, which is far more interesting than his boring old parents. They took a bunch of pictures while he was there, but only one of them with our camera, which we had inadvertently left with him. Here he is with Grit's mom, reading a new touchy-feely book in German that she bought him for the occasion:
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