Jeremi also asked about what seemed to be his cradle cap getting worse in a few crusty areas, which she identified as some sort of parasitic mite infection common in the late summer that was totally harmless and which would go away of its own accord in October, which it did. Weird.
In other growing news he got two new teeth, bringing him up to a grand total of 10, all eight incisors and his upper two first molars. His new favourite games include climbing on everything. He has a little table for drawing with two little chairs (we call it his office), and he spends quite a lot of time playing with it, but it usually involves climbing on the chairs or the table, and then doing a little dance on top of the table. There aren't too many pictures of this unfortunately because we're usually standing by as spotters rather than photographers, although he really doesn't fall from the table much. At daycare the Tagesmutter, Susi, is also pretty taken with how much he climbs, and how well he does it for his age.
This might be a good time to mention how much he loves daycare. I honestly think he's disappointed on the weekend when he doesn't get to go, because we're just not as much fun as Susi and the other kids, especially Bruno, the other boy, his constant companion. Susi put their cribs together so they can stand and chat a little before lying down for naptime, since they spend the rest of the time together as well. He really loves it, and in the morning after breakfast he's standing at the door waving good-bye, waiting for Jeremi to open it so he can get there already!
One interesting thing that happened when he started daycare is that he stopped talking. He still babbles a lot, but the few words that he was consistently using (papa, cat, duckies) pretty much disappeared. I think it might be that the introduction of the third language made his brain do a double take - just when he was starting to make sense of this whole talking thing, everyone started doing it differently. We were ready for him to be delayed with speaking because of the multi-lingual environment, and it hasn't been a problem so far. Susi is convinced that he understands some German after just a few weeks, and we know he understands a number of English and French phrases at home (some rather complex ones even), and he communicates quite well with gestures, so it hasn't led to much frustration yet. My only concern is that people will think he's a bit slow, as he's already the size of a two year-old with motor skills to match, but doesn't talk.
Speaking of motor skills, he can throw a ball overhand well now, and kicks balls around the back yard with great relish. He's still eating well, and has begun to get better with the use of cutlery. For a while we've been loading up spoons or forks with food and then handing them to him to feed himself, but now he 's getting better at actually scooping up or spearing the food himself, which results in many rounds of applause during the average supper. (Sometimes while clapping for himself, while still clutching the fork, the hard-earned chunk of food goes flying off the fork before it makes its way into his mouth, but this just allows for more chances to practice.)
He's also getting better at mimicking complex behaviour. He babbles into our cell phones, and then hands it to me so I can talk on it for a while before handing it back (much as we pass him our phones to say hello to family members), and, much to our amusement, does the same thing with remote controls when we're at friends' places. (We don't have any standard remotes at our house, so to him they look like cell phones.) He helps us load and unload the dishwasher too (one has to be a bit patient), but his favourite job by far is laundry. He's been putting things in the washing machine for a while now, but now he goes through all the motions. When it's time to do laundry I get him to help me and he takes individual items from the hamper and puts them into the machine. At some point he decides it's time to close the door (sometimes a bit before the machine is full, so we have to negotiate this part), and then he slams the door to shut it. Then he "helps" me by pushing the buttons, which means that sometimes I have to turn the machine off and start again a couple of times. (There is a child-lock, but I have to have it off while I program the machine, after which he's free to push all the buttons again, and listen to them beeping.) Then he opens the drawer for the soap and helpfully points to where the soap is (out of his reach). Then he closes the drawer, and watches the clothes turn. He does condensed versions of this on his own, moving his head up and down at the window at the end to simulate the machine moving.
In other big-boy news, I stopped nursing around the end of September. I thought I'd be more sad about it, but honestly, I felt better than I had in months. I suddenly had more energy, and my body felt "normal" again for the first time in almost two years. Breastfeeding was great, but I'm glad it's over for now. He hasn't missed it either, and now finds my breasts no more interesting than my elbows (and considerably less funny than my belly button). We've also started to transition him slowly into his own bed by taking the crib off the side of our bed and pushing it into the corner. He's still sleeping in our room, and when he wakes up in the night for milk (usually just once now, on good nights), we bring him in with us from then on, but it's a start.
The only really negative thing this month is that he's started to hit us sometimes, mostly me, and he thinks it's hysterically funny. He doesn't do it when he's angry, which is good at least, but more when we've been playing and he's very excited, and then he thinks it would be funny to hit me in the face, and then he's laughing soooo hard. If I'm very unlucky he does it while holding an object, like a block, and catches me unaware, so there have been a couple of fat lips. Of course we tell him that this isn't allowed, and I put him down and tell him that I won't play with him if he hits me, at which point he has a full out (but short-lived) tantrum. I'm hoping he catches on to the hitting-means-no-more-playing thing soon, but he still thinks it's hilarious every time he starts up again. He does it to Jeremi sometimes too, which I hate to admit I found a bit reassuring, but so far he hasn't hit anyone at daycare, which is good.
And now for some pictures from his thirteenth month. This isn't everything (there will eventually be a separate post from Oktoberfest, for instance), but rather the day-to-day things that didn't warrant their own post but which were still nice to share.
Here he is, just after his birthday, opening a package of Duplo that came in the mail from Calin and Susanne (who are now living in Copenhagen).
And now the jacket that my friend Rachel knit him fits! Doesn't he look smart?
Here he was playing by dropping things into my pot of (cooled to room temperature) herbal tea...
1 comment:
thanks so much for sharing! I'm glad the sweater fits him now. He's a cute little guy.
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