Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Nick and Cathy's Wedding

So here are the wedding crashers, Marie and Rishad. Since we were going to be in New Brunswick for the weekend anyhow, we thought it would be a great time to get together, since the last time we were all in one place was in Marie's apartment in Seoul. At least they'd both met Jer's parents before, though they didn't actually know the bride or groom. Still, they worked their asses off setting up and putting things away so as to earn their keep, so I don't think anyone minded.

Here they are, at the start of their journey down the river of beer. Yes, it really is a canoe filled with beer and crushed ice. Cases upon cases of Keith's, Keith's Light, and Keith's Red were supplied for the wedding.

So after canoeing a ways down the River, Rishad and I spotted a mysterious box. What could be inside? we asked ourselves. We pulled the canoe over, and went in for a closer look. Here you see Rishad and I prying the lid off of the mysterious box, and seeing a treasure beyond our wildest dreams...

And here it is, the source of the river. Who could have known that the box would be half filled with crushed ice and more beer than we could drink (at least in one night)? We had to sample the booty so fresh and near its source.

Ah yes, the taste of ice cold treasure, tasting as it can only in the Maritimes.

This sequence of pictures was taken around 4:00, soon after the ceremony while Marie, Rishad and I were left to our own devices while Jeremi was doing official picture-type of things. Our own devices consisted mostly of drinking a great deal by the side of the shed, while people came and talked to us one by one. It was incredibly fun, but we managed to drink a great deal before supper, to the point that there were some (Marie) predicting that Rishad and I might be "tits up by sundown". She's a classy gal. To be fair, when the sun did go down at 9:00 I was incredibly shocked that I was actually still going. I was even more shocked at 4:00 am when I was still going, one of the last 3-4 people sitting around the fire. (Including a more sober Jeremi, who was making sure I made it to the bed.)

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