Saturday, December 29, 2007

Julia's crazy new year's resolution

I was thinking about what I'd most like to change in the new year, and in addition to the sort of vague and therefore unattainable goals (eg. be more organized, get more done at work, eat better), I decided on one concrete and easily monitored fitness-related goal. I want to run 2008 kilometers in 2008. That's only 5.5 km a day, and I manage to do more than that now and again, but I certainly don't do it every day. That means if I miss a day I have to catch up with 11 km the next day, and that if I get the flu or something, I have a lot of catching up to do. I don't know how attainable it is, but I figure that if I try and make it only halfway, I'll still be running more than I managed to get in this year. And so I'm starting on January 1st, most likely with a hangover.

I thought that if I wrote it on the blog I might be more likely to follow through, you know, the whole public shaming aspect in case of failure. I'm even putting in a little ticker, so you can keep track of my progress. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

I love the icon of the runner. 2008 km eh?? WOW!!
Your commentary of the trip brought back great memories! And they will help me as I keep MY New Year's Resolution to print my pictures and put them in an album.
Miss you both.
Love Mom

Geoff R said...

Nice! I have the same goal! I found your blog by googling "2008 kilometers in 2008".

If you have an iPod Nano you should buy a Nike+ shoe set to track your runs. You can then put them, create goals and join challenges to motivate you. I joined the 2008k in 2008 challenge, which has about 150 runners right now.

I missed my first day because it was cold outside and I was tired, but today I got my run in. I'm running 7.5km each day, so I don't have to worry about rainy days, being sick, or vacation running. Also, it comes to about 45 minutes for me, which is perfect because then I can run and shower in under an hour.

If you don't have a Nike adapter, at least sign up at Add me as geoffr so we can keep in contact and maybe create a 2008k challenge. On runnerplus you can manually enter runs without a Nike sports kit.