Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Brugge (Bruges)

Our next stop was also in Belgium - the city of Bruges (as it's known in English and French) or Brugge (the Dutch name). This is a really ridiculously beautiful city, with exceptional, well-preserved buildings spanning a range of historical periods.

We had a lovely hotel here, which was also quite close to the central square. Here's the view (rather poorly lit, unfortunately) through one of the streets leading to the square, showing the tower of the city hall.
And the view inside the square...
We had lunch at this restaurant, where they served a variety of interesting beers in novelty glasses (like Kwak, for example). The man at the next table made the mistake (I think) of ordering the largest size of a beer, and was served this enormous glass that looked hard to even lift, let alone finish drinking. (Keep in mind that many Belgian beers have a pretty high alcohol content too.) By the time we left the restaurant, he'd barely made a dent in it - I doubt very much that he finished it in the end.
Just off the market square was the Tintin shop, which was filled with products (not only books) with images of the Belgian icon and the other characters from the series.
There were lots of interesting things in the shop, but no really cute baby clothes, or else I probably would have bought something.
Calin was our official tour guide for the city, after getting a guide book from the tourism office. It brought us on a nice walking tour through the city, pointing out many of the most impressive buildings on the way.
A couple of examples...

Here we're posing before a lace map of the city. I'm not entirely sure why I'm posing like that...

While the sun was getting lower in the sky we rested on a bench for a while by this pond, which was filled with swans. (Because Bruges is too pretty for mere ducks.)
As if the perfect sun angle illuminating the picturesque scene wasn't enough, one of the swans was actively building a nest.
And finally, before leaving, we climbed that tower that was shown in the first picture (I mentioned that this vacation included lots of tower climbing), for one last look over the beautiful city.

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