Thursday, October 19, 2006

Cat in the box

This week Jeremi bought a new pair of shoes, which of course means that the cat got a new shoe box as well. Here she is, checking out her new favourite spot in the world, and down below, her squeezing in for a little nap.
And what could make a shoe box feel more like home than the presence of a carrot bag? For those of you who don't know, the cat loves all plastic bags, but she seems to have a particular affinity for those that once held carrots. Though it's hard to tell in this picture, she's actually grooming the carrot bag in this picture. She is a funny duck.

1 comment:

Ru said...

hooray for julia and jeremi! you guys are still out there!

it's good to know that aris (sp?) is just like our kitties. our cats sleep in a cherry box. we tried putting a towel in it, and they just scrunched it all to one side and sleep in the bare bottom.

they also love plastic bags, especially those that might have once contained meat from the grocery store. oh cats. what loverly creatures.