Thursday, March 06, 2008

End of german class party

Last Friday was my German classes graduation party. It was held in one of the quaint little gardens they have in eastern Germany since one of our class mates has one of these and decided that she would host the party. It was very well kept and right next to the river as you can see above. This was not my entire class but all the people that could make it to the party. So top row left to right we have, Tamara, Natalia, Yuba, Tanya, Sasha, Anna, Nadiashta, Zoya, Elena, Viet, Tatiana and kneeling in front is Alex, Ken, Khalid, Veronica, Jamara. If some of the people in this picture look distracted it's because this is the 20th picture we had to take by the water since everybody wanted one. There were also pictures taken before and after this of course.

Here you can see the spread that our hostess pretty much provided. Among the nationalities present were Vietnam, Japan, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Egypt, Cuba, Kasakstan and of course Canada (me). Here you can see the spread that our hostess pretty much provided. Of course she had help setting up from all the Russian and eastern European women that were there since gender roles are still quite prevalent in those parts and men aren't allowed in the kitchen. Unless, and this is how I did my part, your grilling, which only men are allowed to do. The men are also suppose to not let the womens drinks get too empty, and when I say drink I mean vodka, straight vodka was the drink of choice. I only became aware of this when one women joking mentioned that there was not enough men at the party because her drink was empty.
Here is little 5' nothing Zoya (from Russia) with a 26 ounzer of vodka. It's a funny picture but she really doesn't drink that much. Next to her is Ken (from Japan) who, as we found out at the Christmas party, doesn't do so well with hard liquor so he stuck to beer. He turned bright red and puffy after a couple of sips of Johny Walker, of Apfelsaft (apple juice) as we called it.

After food, drinks and many photo ops there was much dancing, of all sorts, and more drinking. it was a lot of fun.

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