Monday, June 30, 2008

Pomquet Fun

Two weekends ago, Marie, Ian, Jennifer and I went to Pomquet. Pomquet is where Marie grew up so her lovely parents, Michael and Lorraine, were forced to put up with our wacky antics. Jennifer is from Antigonish and spent the weekend with her family.

The first night we had a few drinks and played some Trivial Pursuit. It was an edition from the 70s (early?), so we were absolutely awesome at it (sarcastic tone). Eventually I passed out and the others went to bed.

On Saturday we went to the beach. Unfortunately it was quite windy and Maricicle (Marie + icicle), Marie’s frozen persona, came out. So we retreated to the boardwalk that's a little more inland and tried to hangover-read the interpretive signs.

Later we went to see Marie’s grandmother at her Rockathon, a social event to raise money for the community. There were finger sandwiches and several squares, cakes and other assorted desserts. We also got to hear Marie’s aunt Joanne sing beautifully. Her and her accompanists were kind enough to supply background music, as she called it, for the event.

We went to the local Sobey’s to stock up on supplies for the night and, in full Neo-Scotian form, there were highland dancers there dancing to raise money for something.

And yes Julia, I did give them some money for taking this picture.

That night we had a big spaghetti supper with everyone mentioned so far plus Veronica and Paul. Delicious.

Then it was off to Marie’s grandmother’s house for a night of song and hanging out. Sylvain, Marie’s uncle, has an extensive record collection and rather eclectic taste, so there was something for everyone, or almost. We also had Paul, Veronica and Marie who played guitar and sang awesomely. And drunker on me and Ian dragged everyone through all of American Pie while trying to remember the lyrics. Scenes from the night.

After the night was over (3:30ish) we went back to Marie’s parents place which was across the street. Marie jokingly remarked of a car that was turning onto the road from a neighbouring driveway that the driver was probably drunk and we would have to jump in the rather deep and wet, and thus muddy, ditch. Ian unfortunately didn’t detect the lack of seriousness in Marie’s voice and promptly threw himself in. This did not help his already sore back. I went in shortly after to help him get up. He didn’t need my help but I did get to experience the incredible muddiness of the ditch.

Sunday was father's day and we had a steak fest at Marie’s grandmothers house.

The steak was prepared by Sylvain and was well-seasoned, beautifully charred on the outside and perfectly raw on the inside. They were also huge.

We had a lovely late lunch with all the fixings and hung out on the back porch and enjoyed the view.

Before leaving we went on a short hike to Brown’s beach.

Fun weekend.

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