Thursday, June 12, 2008

Taryn and Olivia's Birthday

This year, the Kelly's had a combined birthday for Taryn and Olivia. Their b-days are pretty close together, 28th May and 8th June (I'm writing these dates in the blog so that I can remember them for years to come) so it makes sense. They had what Crystal, my cousin and mother of my goddaughter (Taryn) and her sister (Olivia), calls a beer and cake. This is when you feed the kids beer and cake so as to shock their tiny systems into napping after a short-lived drunken sugar high. Then the kids sleep making it easier for the parents and guests to drink the leftover beer and cake. Of course I'm only kidding. No kids were drinking beer or any other alcoholic beverages.

There were lots of people and it was lots of fun. Here are some gift unwrapping highlights.

This is what Julia and I got for them although here you can only see Olivia's Monkey T-shirt and colourfully patterned tights. Taryn also got tights and a Esprit top and skirt ensemble.

But the big gift this year was a trampoline.

That's Taryn being tickled by her parrain (godfather). The trampoline got used quite a bit that day by everyone, even though some of us were slightly over the recommended maximum weight.

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